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    2025上海酒店用品展(Hotel Shop Plus2025中國·上海酒店商業空間展覽會)
    發布時間: 2024-06-04 14:24 更新時間: 2024-11-15 08:00
    觀看2025上海酒店用品展(Hotel Shop Plus2025中國·上海酒店商業空間展覽會)視頻

    Dear customer, hello! The 33rd Shanghai International Hotel Supplies Exhibition (2025 Shanghai Hotel Room Supplies and Room Electrical Exhibition) is about to open grandly! Shanghai Bohua International Exhibition Co., Ltd. is honored to invite you to participate in this highly anticipated feast. This exhibition will present you with new developments and innovative products in the global hotel supplies industry, bringing unprecedented business opportunities for your hotel business.

    The Shanghai International Hotel Supplies Exhibition, as one of the influential exhibitions in the hotel service industry, will be held at the China International Import Expo Center in 2025. At that time, hotel supplies suppliers from all over the world will gather together to showcase their new products and technologies. At that time, you will have the opportunity to have face-to-face communication with industry figures, obtain new market information and insights.

    The exhibition of hotel room supplies and room appliances is one of the highlights of this year's exhibition. The service quality and customer satisfaction in the hotel industry depend on the facility experience of hotel rooms. For hotel owners, providing a comfortable, warm, and convenient room environment is crucial. This exhibition will comprehensively showcase various hotel room supplies, including bedding, bathing supplies, furniture decoration, tabletop decorations, etc., You will also see various advanced room electrical products, such as smart door locks, intelligent control systems, entertainment equipment, etc., to help you improve the quality and competitiveness of hotel rooms.

    Multiple exhibition areas will be set up at the exhibition site to provide you with a more convenient way of purchasing. You can visit various exhibition areas according to your needs, such as the bedding area, furniture area, appliances area, etc. Each exhibition area will provide you with a one-stop procurement service, where you can have face-to-face negotiations with suppliers and learn about their new products and cooperation policies. The exhibition also set up a new product launch area for suppliers to showcase their new product innovations and technological breakthroughs.

    It is worth mentioning that this exhibition will also hold a series of forums and seminars, providing you with the opportunity to deeply interpret industry trends and development directions. You will have the opportunity to listen to speeches and sharing from experts from all walks of life, and also have in-depth communication with them. These forums and seminars will provide you with a broad platform for knowledge and experience exchange.

    We look forward to your visit. The 33rd Shanghai International Hotel Supplies Exhibition (2025 Shanghai Hotel Room Supplies and Electrical Appliances Exhibition) will become an ideal platform for you to explore business opportunities and expand your business. Please reserve exhibition time and complete exhibition registration procedures in advance to avoid missing this rare opportunity. We will provide you with thoughtful services and guidance, allowing you to gain significant benefits and returns at the exhibition.

    For more details, please follow the official website of the exhibition. We will provide you with new exhibition information and exhibition guides. The success of the exhibition cannot be separated from your support and participation. Let's jointly create a unique and charming hotel supplies feast, and make more contributions to the development of the industry!








    2025年Hotel &Shop Plus上海酒店工程設計與用品博覽會將于3月31日-4月3日在上海新國際博覽中心浦東舉辦。展會由中國旅游飯店業協會、中國百貨商業協會、中國照明電器協會、中國建筑文化中心、上海博華國際展覽有限公司聯合主辦。






    衛浴及整體解決方案、整體浴室、智能馬桶、浴室柜、淋浴房、智能浴鏡、花灑、地漏五金、臺面系統、 spa等;



    工程設計、裝配式內裝、集成吊頂系統;新風凈化及空氣治理 、暖通設備、熱水及熱泵管道設備 ;門窗及自動門;康體休閑、健身器材、康體 、親子游樂、泳池設備等;


    智慧酒店及商業空間、智能門鎖、影音系統、機器人、智能影音系統、智能客控系統、自助入住系統、酒店智能設備及整體解決方案、 IT 及安防、數據標識及導視系統、商業顯示屏、音響及播放系統等;

    智慧酒店館:智能門鎖、影音系統、機器人、智能客控系統、自助入住系統、酒店智能設備及整體解決方案、 IT 及安防、智慧酒店整體解決方案等;










    光之韻; 匠之心照明系列活動

    由上海博華國際展覽有限公司主辦的光之韻 · 匠之心 照明系列論壇,通過和云知光、燈光幫、燈光與設計等照明媒體的合作,與業內照明設計師、酒館集團 代表、商業空間業主等人士,聚焦酒店室內外照明、 商業空間、建筑、景觀等多個照明設計領域,探索我國照明行業未來新十年的發展大勢,帶觀眾走進光影之間, 感受光影的魅力。


    SHOP PLUS 作為國內以商業空間買家為導向的工程采購渠道類展會,依托中國百貨商業協會及中國旅游飯店業協會的行業領導力,凝聚以購物中心業主、商業空間設計師、美陳及櫥窗設計師、裝飾工程設計公司、品牌方、餐飲管理及業主、酒店管理公司等集采終端買家等優質資源;整合品牌連鎖加盟、商業空間設計、導視標識系統、商業展示道具、視覺營銷、智慧零售信息技術、數字化商業、自助服務等供應鏈板塊;展會已發展為零售及商業空間領域設計、建設與運營產品、服務等解決方案的一站式工程采購平臺。



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